You guys and girls are legends! we made it to Bathurst and it was all because of you!
We ended up covering the bonnet and the roof of the car in supporter names and I raised enough money to pay my entry fee!, so how was it?
Well honestly it was an experience of a lifetime, i’m no pro and i’m not at the front of the grid, but to be able to race a car that i built around one of the most famous racetracks in the world was a dream come true. I wish i got more laps in but unfortunately there were lots of people racing for sheep stations and we ran under yellow flags quite a bit which was a bummer as i really didn’t feel i got anywhere close to my ideal lap time, i had an easy 3-4 seconds pace i could find given more track time, but all that aside it was an incredible experience and one i will cherrish forever, check out some of these pics taken by my legendary mate Mat Kemp along with a few other shooters around the track 🙂
If you are a business and would like your business logo on the car for this event and for the remainder of the year please contact me on the details bellow and lets have a chat, i have openings on the headlights and a couple of other spots on the car and would love to chat to you about myself representing your brand on my car and in the video series 🙂